Monday, November 3, 2008

Art Journal!

I started an art journal today.  I've had the book for a long time, but am just now getting around to using it.  Here is my first entry.  It's of a stained glass that hangs in a window in my home.  My hubby had it specially made for me one Valentine's day.  He travels, and is gone right now, so I miss him.  My entry is about dealing with loneliness.  It was therapeutic and fun to write and draw about it.  The quote at the top is one I found in this book....  I've also had it for a long time...just now getting to it.  The kids are in on the fun too.  I'll include Braeden's drawing of a knight and the piece Gracyn is working on entitled, "Bow-WOW!"


Ruthie said...

OH SO VERY exciting.. how much fun this will be this winter!!!!!

Ruthie said...

just looking for more sketches..
keep em coming..
you will feel better :)
I do!!